Additive technologies attract aircraft designers not only by their cost efficiency. They enable manufacturing of products with a large quantity of closed cavities, honeycomb structures and embedded cooling channels. Finally, additive technologies allows to topologically optimize the shape of the future product still at the stage of a model, thus considerably improving operational characteristics and reducing the weight of the ready product.
Replacement of a standard milled bracket with a similar made with Alpha-280 3D printer after its topological optimization resulted in reduction of its initial weight from 154 g to 26 g with complete preservation of all its functional properties. For passenger airplanes, a lighter structure means saving of expensive fuel, which reduces not only direct costs of airlines, but also environmental damage.
Powder Bed Fusion is an innovative technology for manufacturing geometrically complex products by application of the powder, layer after layer, and local melting of selected areas of each layer of the powders of various metal alloys to form a shape presented as a CAD model. As the source of energy, a high-power ytterbium fiber laser of continuous radiation is used. This process is successfully ousting out traditional manufacturing methods, as physical and mechanical properties of products manufactured with it, as well as their geometry, surpass those of analogs manufactured with traditional technologies
Read moreA compact solution for ambitious and high-precision industrial and research issues
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