Own high-precision equipment

> 0,1 mm

Geometric fidelity of the printed products

> Ra 6,3

Side walls roughness of the printed products (no post-machining provided)

0,3 mm

Minimum possible wall thickness of the printed products


A compact solution for ambitious and high-precision industrial and research issues. Maximum possible side dimensions of the printed products: W х D х H – 145 х 145 х 160 mm

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A perfect solution for both prototyping and small-batch production. Maximum possible side dimensions of the printed products: W х D х H – 275 х 275 х 280 mm

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Cutting-edge technologies

Powder Bed Fusion is an innovative technology for manufacturing geometrically complex products by application of the powder, layer after layer, and local melting of selected areas of each layer of the powders of various metal alloys to form a shape presented as a CAD model. As the source of energy, a high-power ytterbium fiber laser of continuous radiation is used. This process is successfully ousting out traditional manufacturing methods, as physical and mechanical properties of products manufactured with it, as well as their geometry, surpass those of analogs manufactured with traditional technologies

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How it works

The printing process preparation begins with a 3D modeling of the desired object in one of the existing 3D modelling CAD systems. The required geometry is then processed using a CAM system. During digital processing the model is sliced into layers, between 20 to 100 microns thick. The build processor then assigns optimal trajectories of laser beam scanning sequence for each layer to capture every detail, ensuring full consolidation and optimising surface quality

Materials for 3D printing

Metal powders are the most durable bulk materials used by ALT for the production of various products with complex geometries, internal cavities and conformal cooling channels

Success story

Additive technologies that just a few decades ago seemed to be a fantasy, today are successfully implemented in all highly technological and strictly regulated industries

How to quote

Fill in online form

Please fill in online form. Our manager will contact you as soon as possible to reply to your questions about 3D printing, to support with selection materials, as well as quotation preparation

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Post a Requirement Specification document

Download the standard form, fill it in and send us back to info@alt-print.com along with the corresponding files of product drawing (.pdf, .dwg, .dxf). Our manager will contact you as soon as possible

Download Requirement Specification document