Technology development and
manufacturing of high-precision
3D printers for metal printing

Easily printing the future
Materials for 3D printing

for 3D printing

Materials for 3D printing

As the main raw material, a wide range of metals are used in the form of powder pellets of correct spherical shape. This enables using almost all standardized alloys, combining them and developing special materials for specific applications

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Powder Bed Fusion

Powder Bed Fusion is an innovative technology for manufacturing geometrically complex products by application of the powder, layer after layer, and local melting of selected areas of each layer of the powders of various metal alloys to form a shape presented as a CAD model. As the source of energy, a high-power ytterbium fiber laser of continuous radiation is used. This process is successfully ousting out traditional manufacturing methods, as physical and mechanical properties of products manufactured with it, as well as their geometry, surpass those of analogs manufactured with traditional technologies

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Additive technologies that just a few decades ago seemed to be a fantasy, today are successfully implemented in all highly technological and strictly regulated industries

Contact us

If you have any questions about 3D printing, or you need support in finding the material and equipment to solve your technological problems, please complete the feedback form: our manager will contact you as soon as possible